Friday, May 28, 2010

Good People, Bad Weather

Greetings from Carson City, NV. Our journey began Monday night in San Francisco with an easy 15 miles before making camp. The next day we woke early and began biking. By 11:30 we had covered sixty miles and arrived in Davis, the bicycling capitol of the world. Lee's rear wheel was off it's true, so being in such a cycling friendly place worked very nicely. After dropping off his bike at a local shop, we grabbed lunch at an all you can eat Indian buffet (not the wisest choice of food when doing heavy exercise). The bike was ready by the time we had finished eating so we were on our way again by 1. We made it into Sacramento, where we were met with rain. For the next 30 miles we biked through a steady drizzle until we reached Folsom. We got a cheap motel and had a fairly comfortable and dry evening. The next day brought intermittent showers and elevation gain from 0 to 5000 ft. What California lacked in pleasant weather it made up for with the hospitality of it's people. We made it to Cook's Station where the owners were incredible, giving us food on the house and had a cheap campsite behind the restaurant. The night was cold, getting below freezing with sleet and rain,but we were well-protected. In the morning we decided to attempt Carson Pass 30 miles away (8500 ft and our entrance to Nevada), however after 10 miles we ran into snow and freezing rain and had to turn back to Cook's. There some fellas offered us a lift, and after talking it over we decided we'd take it as snow was forecast for the next couple days and we'd be stranded. Their ride knocked 30 miles out of our way, and we were able to bike another 55 to our present location in Carson City. We're going to try to be a little better about keeping up with this blog, but as you can see the last few days have been a little hectic.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for His Provision and Protection. Every one asked about you at church. Many are praying for you. We love you and are proud of you.We will keep praying for you, Lee, and Wess.Love you very much,and committing you to the Lord. Mom & Dad
